Hey all, im here too say some things about a person that i thought it was my "friend", James.
James is pissed of with me because of a car he made(S15 import tuner" and that he call "his car".
First, I dont mod, so I ask him to built the car, I gave him all the parts he needed, the only thing that he really made on this car was the rear bumper, the rest i send him everything.
Now he pissed of with me because i send the car to "Sampdrifter", for those who dont know i knew sampdrfter almos a year ago in samp v0.2, and he always was nice to me and "teach" me some things, and James now is pissed of by that, and i show him the last SD video of stunt/freeride and he even said "that dude(sampdrifter) doesnt have a life", just because SD his good on the vids he made.
I send the car to SD because I trust him, but the point is: James is weird last days, I always supported his acts, he fights with lots of ppl in this community, he even said racist comments to Looney, offended AalexS14´s mother( that for what I know already died :( )and some more shits that I dont wanna talk, call noob to everyone, and he think that he is the best.
I really didnt want to publicate this post but when you go to my chatboux insulting me dude, sorry but U are the fucking noob that think that is the best, insults Beto because Beto made a great job on his R30, insults Lostprophet because "steals" his ideas, lol WTF.
Yes dude im 24 and like I told you, i only am in samp very times because atm im unemployed, but lately i wasnt there so many times because im working, and U say to me to get a life, dude U skipeed school because U pass all night modding, lol.
Who needs to get a life?
So unfortunately James bye dude, and thanks to all, but i got to say "Fuck you", you´re being an asshole :(