First of all, I would like to say that this isnt SHAKE´s C10. This one was converted by Chaos_Dragon, if someone know know from who I am talking about, and if you guys dont believe me ask XSB he knows what I´m talking about.
And its true that SHAKE send me his C10 and asked me not to send to anyone and i didnt, and the C10 from Chaos_dragon only James had it from me, and it look´s like SHAK´s one, and on Wednesday was in ascendence this one from Chas was for download, and James modify it and only yesterday night I upload the pics in my blog.
Now he look a "litle child" and dont want to release the "GTA PS" mod, ok fine, but I dont give a fuck, im sorry for U guys that "wont" have the so called "beautiful mod" because of small SHAKE´s brain, but you wont see in my blog any car dont wont have the right author credits for made it, every car got the right credits, so dont acuse me from something that i didnt did.